The 4 week + Bonus Week Challenge of Healthy eating and body moving For Busy Professionals who Want to Start 2024 without regret Or Clothes that are too tight

Join The Holiday Challenge:

Be Stronger & Leaner in '24 With Healthy Eating & Moving Now

Healthy eating and Daily Movement Challenge

Accelerate your Health & Fitness

in a community of like minded people

Are you Ready?

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Wednesday November 15 - Wednesday December 13, 2023

accountability, Support and Ideas to help you through the holidays!

Lifetime Access To Replays By Signing Up

Prizes for Taking ACTION

4 Weeks + 1 Bonus Week

For Less than a Gift for Cousin Jen,

you can give yourself the support you need now to start 2024 ready to go

Together We Will


Create and commit to goals. Set health & fitness goals and work on them week by week. Consistency makes progress.


Save loads of time with easy healthy meals. No elaborate cooking, no hard recipes. Just streamlined success and time savings for the win. You choose what to prep and eat.


Track successes. Pay attention to your actions to build focus on yourself.


Increase energy, eliminate cravings, make body composition changes and fuel the day. Learn how to make space in the week to indulge in favorite foods.


Move daily with strength training, walking, aerobic exercise, sports conditioning, or other strategies that fit your goals.


Maximize the benefits of working out without spending mindless hours in the gym.


Be a part of a community that shares health & fitness successes, gets answers to questions, supports each other, and thrives. It's time to join with others and create momentum for 2024. As the saying goes "show me your friends and I'll show you your future".


Win prizes for taking ACTION. There's lots of incredible value waiting for action takers.

The 4 Week + 1 Bonus Week

Stronger & Leaner in '24 With Healthy Eating & Moving During the Holidays is

for you if you're ready to

commit NOW to 2024


greet the New Year

feeling and looking

noticeably stronger & leaner.

For Less than a Gift for Cousin Jen,

You Can Give Yourself The Support You Need Now To Start 2024 Ready To Go!

Claim Your Spot…

Our time together will be full of value,

No-Fluff and Highly Interactive

Listen Up. Hear what . . .

Clients Say


Carol Kaemmerer

With Karen and Ryan's guidance I've made awesome progress. I'm down more than 20 pounds. But the most amazing part is that instead of finally fitting into things I haven't been able to wear for years, I needed to have those smaller clothes altered because they were much too large. They now look spectacular on me.

Consistency in good nutrition and strength training with heavy weights is taking off pounds and inches I feared I would never lose. This new way of life is all very sustainable and exciting.


Carol DeAngelis

My initial motivation to get stronger was to be able to help with our elders' care. And, now, to keep up with my new grandchildren! I've lost a lot of fat and gained muscle. I've got more energy and confidence.

As I mature, I want to live a healthy life. And, I love that Tigers Eye Life has so much community together. Everyone is really supportive.


Nancy Love

Acton, MA

Karen and Ryan have a special magic! They are a perfect combination of deep expertise, authentic and unrelenting positivity, and pure love. I’ve never been one for strength training. But, during the pandemic, I had some extra time and started zooming with the dynamic duo. It has been nothing short of life-changing.
I am stronger, fitter, and, amazingly, more energetic than I have been for decades. My hip pain from arthritis is much improved. I also am developing a mental toughness that steels me for other inevitable challenges in life.


Jen Cohen

Metro Boston,MA

I've always been drawn to “exercise” that I considered to be fun or nourishing. The gym was never my thing for a variety of reasons. Dance, yoga, walking and hiking have been the primary ways I have taken care of this body.

It did not take long though, maybe two or three strength training sessions with Ryan and Karen, to be hooked. Why? Because Karen and Ryan are motivating, loving, skillful, knowledgable and tons of fun. They both lead by example. They live this work. For me that is what I look for in my teachers, that kind of alignment with what they do.


Jacki Reich

Philadelphia, PA

I am a high-achieving college professor with a successful professional life but I was paying a big price in terms of personal health. I needed.balance in my life and to make changes in terms of exercise, diet, and sleep. Working with Karen, I've made tremendous progress towards a healthier lifestyle.

I was initially concerned about making changes in my diet, but Karen helped me make those little by little. She helped me get away from bad snacking habits. I made healthy substitutions that fit my food preferences and tasted delicious, so I didn’t feel deprived or hungry. I got control of my natural appetite rhythms and saw I had been using fatty and sugary foods as a form of stress relief. My new food choices taste delicious and I prefer them over many of my old choices. It is pretty amazing how much healthier my eating is now! And, I’ve lost a significant amount of weight. This all feels sustainable.

Karen’s compassion, upbeat attitude, and deep knowledge have been a real game changer for me. Our work together has helped me successfully make adjustments that I knew were necessary but didn’t know how to accomplish on my own.


Sage Trytten

Fort Collins, CO

Ryan MacQueen is the gold standard when it comes to a Personal Trainer. He is by far the most patient, understanding, and caring individual I have met.

My goals were to get in the best shape of my life and Ryan was able to make it happen in about 6-9 months. I went from 190 pounds of fat to 175 pounds of muscle in such a short period of time because Ryan knows exactly what to do to achieve your goals at a rapid pace.

I went from Smith-Machine squatting with 20 pounds to maxing 280 pounds regular squat which not only made Ryan elated, but changed my life because I realized how beneficial exercise really was. I had no idea how much I was missing out on in the gym not doing complex exercises that Ryan taught me.

What made this journey even better is that Ryan was just as excited as I was to be in the best shape of my life and that made working out much more fun! Ryan changed my life in the fitness world and I’d recommend him to anyone who wants to achieve a goal


Deanna Aragon

Fort Collins, CO

I started working with Ryan in 2018. I was totally out of shape. Once I was able to get my diet balanced, working out was incredible. Ryan has a way about him that encourages you and makes you want to go that extra that takes you to the next level. His best qualities are his passion and positivity! He doesn’t allow you to give up and doesn’t let you get discouraged when you slip.

I had never lifted weights before and struggled at first. With Ryan’s guidance and total knowledge of form and what he knew I could handle, I was spot on. It didn’t take long to regain the strength and begin to build muscle that I had missed for along time.

Ryan soon became one of my favorite people. If you are looking to take your time and do it right, you will definitely get there with Ryan’s expertise and the care he puts into all of his clients. I’m a fan for life!!!


Carol DeAngelis

Pittsburgh, PA

Karen has changed my life! I started working out with her in 2020. After years of yo-yo dieting and inconsistent exercising, I knew I needed something more sustainable. At this point of my life, it was no longer about how I looked in my bathing suit or jeans, or just about the number on the scale for that day. I wanted to feel stronger, more agile, less anxious, and more energized to get me through my busy days. Mission accomplished!

I’ve learned so much about fueling my body in a healthy manner and moving my body to increase my strength and flexibility. Karen is always positive and gives you the tools you need to make healthy choices for life. My mindset has been completely transformed and I do believe that’s where success begins!


Jen Haislip

For Collins, CO

Ryan MacQueen is one of a kind. I first met Ryan when I was at my lowest and was looking for a change. I had set a big goal and realized I needed help in order to accomplish it. I had never had a trainer before and in the past I never thought I needed one. Boy was I wrong. The knowledge, experience and encouragement he brings to the table is priceless. Ryan makes things fun AND produces results. I've seen him work with clients of all ages, sizes, health conditions and different fitness backgrounds


Sarah Howell

Metro NYC

Karen’s coaching is something I absolutely needed when, in reality, I couldn’t find a moment for myself. She really helped me focus on why I do what I do. Karen guided me to understand how to pay attention to what I do. She worked with me and taught me how to really evaluate my nutrition and set attainable goals. Making myself a priority was the most valuable aspect of my coaching and once I prioritized myself, I achieved my goals. I was validated constantly and that constant theme consistently motivated me to move forward towards my goals

Tell Me More about the Holiday Challenge: Stronger & Leaner in '24 with Healthy Eating & Moving Now

It's for you if you:

want To learn how to get in shape and stay in shape forever

are ready to join a community and participate in accelerating your health & fitness for 2024.

Have ended other holiday seasons regretting that you overindulged and had a LOT of work to Do To get back on track.

want to focus on yOURSELF during the holidays as much as you focus on others.

need support, information, enthusiasm, and structure to build healthy habits in a fun community.

have big goals for 2024, personal or professional, and you want to be Stronger & Leaner and ready to achieve them.

Who shouldn't join?

We're only looking for people who are ready Right now to commit to health & Fitness and get ready for 2024.

If that's not you, this isn't your event.

This 4 week + Bonus is not for you at the moment if you're not willing to prioritize yourself. Because, let's be Real. everyone is busy.

you have to be willing to participate and make yourself a priority.

If you're not willing to play full out We're not for you. This community is for ACTION takers.

This Event won't take a lot of your time, but we're expecting people to bring their best inquiring self to the experience, aim for consistency of effort and make progress.


Hi, We're

Karen and Ryan

We're the co-Founders of Tigers Eye Life and the coaches leading the Holiday Challenge: Stronger & Leaner in '24 By Healthy Eating and Daily Moving Now. We know what it's like to commit to a better future and follow through.

We know that ACTION is the only way to make progress. And, being in a community of like minded people is where the best progress is made.

We work with many busy professionals who, like you, value their health & Fitness. sometimes, though, people end up off track or out of time.

have you Started other Januarys regretting the eating and drinking decisions you made during the holidays?

Maybe you've found previous holidays too stressful to enjoy and you need to commit to yourself this year.

Does any of this resonate with you? It's January and . . .

you wish you could stay in your holiday sweat pants because your other clothes are now too tight.

you're Upset or Disappointed about how the new year has started, and you have negative self talk in your head.

OR, It's March and . . .

The year started out Fine but things have fizzled out.

Do you want a January where . . .

you'll be proud of how you've successfully managed to actually IMPROVE your health & Fitness over the last couple of months while ENJOYING the holidays.

you'll have a solid foundation for continuing your progress.

You'll have a community of new friends who are committed to their health like you are.

you'll be stronger & leaner, your meals will be easy and reliable, you've got great energy, and even bigger fitness goals.

you're Impressed with how much more confident you feel, how much progress you've made in just a few weeks, and how excited you Are to Start the new year.

You can set yourself up for an incredible 2024.

this is a perfect time to commit to your Stronger & Leaner Future.

Why Should You Attend?

To Jumpstart your progress to get and

stay in shape forever

To focus on yOURSELF this holiday season.

To build healthy Eating and moving habits for a stronger & leaner 2024

to be part of a community of people striving to be their best selves

what you get and how it works


Two options for a 45-minute Group Welcome Call. (Replay available.)


Four weekly 45-minute Community Calls on Zoom where we'll dig into loads of tips on healthy eating, talk about effective and efficient body movement and workouts, and answer your other questions. You can submit questions ahead of time and we'll bring up ideas based on what's been happening in the community during the week. (Replays available)


A Bonus Week Community Call. We'll help you set yourself up for ways to keep your momentum going into 2024. (Replay available)


Access to a specific phone app that tracks your healthy meals goal. You'll commit to a number of healthy meals per week that works for you, keep track of your progress, and become more consistent.


Guidance on workouts, exercise, walking, other sport specific needs, and strength training to maximize your time and the effectiveness of your efforts in the challenge.


Communication when and how you need it. As your coaches, we'll be in the community regularly. But, we'll keep communication short and organized so there's no overwhelm.


Six healthy recipes per week that you can use in your planning: 2 for breakfast, 2 for lunch and 2 for dinner.


A compiled set of recipes at the end of the 4 weeks based on what community members submit and what we provide. This can serve as a great resource for your future healthy eating.


Guidance if you don't cook. We get it. You might prefer a meal service or you're more into "assembling" meals rather than cooking. All good here. It's about eating the right kinds of foods in the right quantities to accelerate your health & fitness.


The chance to win prizes at the end. Big prizes. There will be points for hitting your weekly targets in healthy eating, points for sharing tested recipes and meal prep ideas, points for asking questions, points for attending or viewing the community calls, and points for supporting/cheering on others. Prize values vary from $300 to more than $1000. The more your participate, the more chances you have to win.


Being a part of a community of like minded people who also value their health & fitness and are working to get to the next level.

What A Few More

Clients Have To Say


Russ Baca

Fort Collins, CO

I am honored to endorse Ryan McQueen. During our eight year friendship, Ryan has not only personally trained me but has trained my two oldest boys during their high school years.

His ability to create custom training programs has been a huge part of my my boys being able to compete at the highest levels of athletics, including the ability to become D-1 athletes.


Jen Cohen

Metro Boston,

The way Karen and Ryan support each other and interact with each other mirrors the way they interact and support us.

Never in a million years did I think I would be lifting weights three times per week with this incredible group of humans.

Now, I can’t really imagine life without them.


Lisa Victory

Knoxville, TN

Karen glows with positivity. She does a great job of explaining the strength training exercise and each why what we're doing is important. It's always a great workout with our group.

She has us focus on mindfully paying attention to our muscles as we do our workouts.

I've been able to achieve a life goal I've always had but thought I wasn't strong enough to do it. My whole family cheered me on when I was successful. The workout group also was a big supporter of me and my goals.


Daniel Radcliff

Fort Collins, CO

I was hesitant at first to work with Ryan because I was playing high school football and starting to learn how to box so this gave me a false confidence in my personal abilities and athleticism. The first day challenged me at my level and showed me that I had a lot I could benefit from if I worked with Ryan.

I was driven by Ryan’s amazing, infectious attitude the entire time. Ryan quickly became my favorite person to train with, as well as one of my favorite people to spend time with.

Don't be left behind.

Are you Ready to be a Part? Join the

Holiday Challenge: Be Stronger & Leaner in '24 with Healthy Eating & moving Now


Week 1: Set yourself up for success.

Create your goals. Start Eating Healthier Meals and Moving your Body (even with all those tempting holiday foods and events).


Week 2: Get the body you've always dreamed of in less time. Learn how different kinds of foods (and how much of them) accelerate your progress and why. Discover how exercise gets you healthy (hint: it's not cardio).


Week 3: More insights to simplify, get results, be consistent and build your habits. How to be consistent when you're not motivated.


Week 4: Two big topics for this week. We'll talk about ways to gauge your progress and controlling your environment, especially during holiday situations.


Bonus Week: Celebrate your successes! Sustain your momentum with next steps.

Don't be left behind.

Are you Ready to be a Part? Join the

Be Stronger & Leaner in '24.

Join the Holiday challenge:

Healthy Eating & Daily moving Now

If you want accountability, support and ideas, especially at the start of the holidays,

this 4 week + Bonus Week challenge is for YOU.

We Can't wait to have you in the

tigers eye life community!

It's Exciting to think that in 4 weeks, you' will have made progress to

Be Stronger & Leaner In '24

and For Life

Look and feel leaner & fitter

Eat healthier food more consistently

Move your body and work out

Know more about what it takes to be healthy & stronger

Have a community of like minded people to belong to

A bit more about Us

It's about Creating more options and freedom.

One reason you committed to your education was To Give your life more options. Financial Skills do the same, they give you more financial freedom.

it works the same way with health.

When you're unhealthy, options are limited. imagine:

Being able to choose active vacations.

looking great in the clothes you want to wear.

Having loads of energy.

Keeping up with your children or grandchildren.

we've helped hundreds of people

We specialize in professionals over 45+

As expert Coaches with decades of experience, you'll get the support of A psychology professor, the top personal trainer in northern colorado, and Our certifications/specializations in mobility, nutrition, exercise science, mindset and metabolism.

We'll teach you the same strategies we use for our own health at ages 37 and 66.

You were designed to do more than just survive.

you were meant to thrive. join us.

Karen and Ryan

co-Founders of Tigers Eye Life

Join Today

Become Stronger & Leaner in 2024

Wednesday, November 15 - Wednesday, December 13, 2023


You understand that our products, programs, and services are intended to provide information and education to assist you in attaining your goals.

You understand and agree that your success depends entirely on your experience, motivation, and individual capacity. There are no guarantees of any kind as to your changes in your health status. The information provided is not intended to replace medical advice.

You should consult a medical professional in your area who understands your particular health situation so that you can take the right steps for you and your health practices.

By participating, it is implied that you are healthy enough to engage with this accelerator and, if necessary, you've gotten the permission of your health care provider.

None of our guidance or advice is mandatory. As a free agent, you choose to participate of your own free will.

As health professionals, our guidance is based on the most current knowledge in the field.